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Monday, December 28, 2009

Proper Prostate Nutrition

Prostate Cancer Nutrition

- If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, you may want to consider revamping your diet in an effort to increase your chance of living longer and staying healthy through treatments. Below are some of the best “cancer fighters”; in fact, some may be in your fridge, freezer, or pantry right now.

Blueberries & Strawberries – Full of free radical-fighting antioxidants, these delicious summer fruits are also helpful in the war against cancer. Don’t fret if they are out of season; most grocery stores stock these power boosters in the freezer section (and they are just as healthy as their fresh versions.) Throw some on cereal, create a smoothie, or just eat them raw.

Anything with Fiber – It has long been accepted that people who eat serious amounts of fiber are, generally, healthier. And that goes for individuals who have been diagnosed with cancer, too. Choose sources of fiber that have little fat and sugar, such as whole grain cereals sans sweetener and any of the wide variety of beans (kidney, great northern, white, lima) available.

Soy – The lower incidence of cancers in soy-eating countries (especially those in Asian) has raised many persons’ eyebrows and encouraged those who have been diagnosed with cancer to try soy foods. It’s easy to replace your cereal milk with soy milk or to put a little soy milk in your coffee. (But not your decaf coffee; many people feel that the process used to decaffeinate the dark brew is actually harmful.) You can also try your hand at making tofu; just go easy on the oils. Tofu is like a sponge and will readily soak up cooking fats.

Fish – If you want a cancer-fighter, try some healthy omega-3 laden fish. Look for bluefish, swordfish, tuna, and salmon for the most bang. Is it expensive? Perhaps (except for canned tuna). However, it’s long been known that it’s one of the best ways to rid your bodies of the toxins that many people feel allow cancers to grow.

Green Tea – Again, in the Asian countries where cancer is rarer, people tend to drink copious amounts of green tea. Try yours with a little honey, but lay off the processed sugar for the most benefit.

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Coffee May Help Reduce Advanced Prostate Cancer

ScienceDaily (Dec. 8, 2009) — While it is too early for physicians to start advising their male patients to take up the habit of regular coffee drinking, data presented at the American Association for Cancer Research Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research Conference revealed a strong inverse association between coffee consumption and the risk of lethal and advanced prostate cancers.

"Coffee has effects on insulin and glucose metabolism as well as sex hormone levels, all of which play a role in prostate cancer. It was plausible that there may be an association between coffee and prostate cancer," said Kathryn M. Wilson, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow at the Channing Laboratory, Harvard Medical School and the Harvard School of Public Health.

In a prospective investigation, Wilson and colleagues found that men who drank the most coffee had a 60 percent lower risk of aggressive prostate cancer than men who did not drink any coffee. This is the first study of its kind to look at both overall risk of prostate cancer and risk of localized, advanced and lethal disease.

"Few studies have looked prospectively at this association, and none have looked at coffee and specific prostate cancer outcomes," said Wilson. "We specifically looked at different types of prostate cancer, such as advanced vs. localized cancers or high-grade vs. low-grade cancers."

Caffeine is actually not the key factor in this association, according to Wilson. The researchers are unsure which components of the beverage are most important, as coffee contains many biologically active compounds like antioxidants and minerals.

Using the Health Professionals' Follow-Up Study, the researchers documented the regular and decaffeinated coffee intake of nearly 50,000 men every four years from 1986 to 2006; 4,975 of these men developed prostate cancer over that time. They also examined the cross-sectional association between coffee consumption and levels of circulating hormones in blood samples collected from a subset of men in the cohort.

"Very few lifestyle factors have been consistently associated with prostate cancer risk, especially with risk of aggressive disease, so it would be very exciting if this association is confirmed in other studies," said Wilson. "Our results do suggest there is no reason to stop drinking coffee out of any concern about prostate cancer."

This association might also help understand the biology of prostate cancer and possible chemoprevention measures.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Stage 4 Prostate Cancer Information

- As with all cancers, prostate cancer is staged according to how far along the cancer has progressed. Usually, these stages are represented with Roman numerals, such as I, II, III, and IV, a system that was developed by the American Join Committee on Cancer to standardize staging. As you might expect, stage IV (or 4) is the most advanced type of prostate cancer.

If you have been diagnosed with a stage 4 prostate cancer, you might be wondering how it relates to the other stages. Often, cancer patients are confused by the staging designations and require some further clarification. As a quick primer, the stages of prostate cancer are listed below:

Stage I – Cancer is well within the prostate gland and has not spread. If you’ve had a biopsy, fewer than 5% of the biopsy tissue contained cancer.

Stage II – In this state, the cancer is also within the prostrate gland and hasn’t spread. However, during a biopsy, the tissue contained more than 5% cancerous cells.

Stage III – At this point, the cancer has spread outside the prostate gland area, but not to the lymph nodes or other body parts that are farther away from the prostate.

Stage IV – In stage 4, the prostate cancer has spread to other areas of the body, including some that are considered “far away” from the prostate gland (such as the lymph nodes.)

As you can see, stage 4 cancers need to be dealt with more aggressively and efficiently than other types. In fact, many stage 1 patients may choose to adopt a “wait and see” attitude toward their cancer rather than immediately attacking the cancer at its source. However, this isn’t an option for stage 4 patients.

By the time it reaches a stage 4 prostate cancer , you may need to choose radiation or chemotherapy in addition to surgery to eradicate the cancer. At this point, your doctor can provide you with all the answers you need to make the most informed decision possible.

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Prostate Treatments & PSA Predicts Death From Prostate Cancer

ScienceDaily (Nov. 9, 2009) — Men whose prostate specific antigen (PSA) rise within 18 months of radiotherapy are more likely to develop spread and die of their disease, according to an international study led by Fox Chase Cancer Center radiation oncologist Mark K. Buyyounouski, M.D., M.S. and presented today at the annual meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO).

"PSA is the gold standard for following prostate cancer patients after they receive radiation or surgery. But we haven't know if having PSA rise sooner means a patient has a greater danger of dying of prostate cancer, though it seems logical," Buyyounouski says.

Using a single institution database, Buyyounouski and colleagues showed previously that men who suffered an early biochemical failure, which is defined as their lowest PSA level plus 2 ng/mL, were at greater risk of dying of prostate cancer. The new study confirms those results using a multinational database and shows that the measure is ready for use in the clinic.

"Now we can use the simple criteria from this study, which is widely available for anyone who has PSA testing, to identify men who have a greater than 25% chance of dying from prostate cancer in the next five years. That is huge. There is nothing else that can do that," says Buyyounouski.

A total of 2,132 men with clinically localized prostate cancer who suffered biochemical failure after treatment were studied. The median interval between treatment and biochemical failure was 35.2 months for the entire study group. However, 19% of patients developed biochemical failure at 18 months or less. The five-year cancer-specific survival for these men was 69.5% compared with 89.8% for men who developed biochemical failure after 18 months.

A multivariate analysis showed that the interval to biochemical failure correlated with cancer specific survival, as did Gleason score, tumor stage, age, and PSA doubling time. However, the interval to biochemical failure had the best predictive value for cancer-specific mortality, compared with the other variables.

Currently, most physicians do not start treatment based on biochemical failure alone, but rather wait until the PSA reaches a high level or there is some other evidence tumor spread. "The potential impact of this finding is that patients can initiate treatment far sooner without waiting for other signs or symptoms of prostate cancer," Buyyounouski says. "If a patient has biochemical failure at 16 months, rather than wait and learn later that the PSA is rising sharply and risk the development of distant metastasis, therapy can be started sooner based on the increased risk of death."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Prostate Self Examination

Prostate cancer has many similarities to breast cancer. In the first place, it is among the most common deadly cancers. Secondly, it is gender specific (although it is possible for males to develop breast cancer, it is exceedingly rare). Third, it is detectable using a self exam. Finally, the prostate, like the breast, is located in a location that is not frequently talked about.

It is recommended that men aged fifty and older receive a yearly prostate exam. However, since the long term prognosis is directly proportional to how early the cancer is detected, conducting a prostate self exam can give you added precious time if the cancer develops in between your regularly scheduled exams.

A prostate self exam is surprisingly easy to accomplish, though it may take a bit of will power to get over the natural tendency to avoid the part of the body where the prostate is located. The prostrate gland is very easy to reach as it lies less than a finger length away from the rectal sphincter, but the really hard part is convincing yourself that probing into the rectum is a good idea. This takes a bit of mind work–aren’t a few moments of being uncomfortable worth it if those few moments make the difference between catching the cancer early or late?

To perform a prostate self exam, simply insert the index finger into the anus and feel for a fleshy mass. It should have the same consistency as the skin between your thumb and index finger when making a tight fist. A healthy prostate is firm but not hard. Gently massage the prostate, carefully feeling for any hard lumps. If you detect a lump, do not panic–it’s probably not cancer and, if it is, at least you caught it early. Call your physician and ask for a comprehensive prostate exam.

Doing a prostate self examination may be uncomfortable and embarrassing, but they can mean the difference between terminal and treatable prostate cancer. A few minutes of discomfort can save your life.

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Monday, October 5, 2009

More Prostatitis News


is a Blanket Term Describing a Number of Prostate Conditions. With advances in health care comes ever increasing life spans. While this is undoubtedly a good thing, having a large population of people of advanced age means that diseases that were once rarely seen are becoming more prevalent. One of these diseases is prostate cancer.

The early symptoms of prostate cancer are typically due to restrictions in the urethra that occur because prostate cancer enlarges the prostate. Therefore, any hint of prostate enlargement should be investigated. Fortunately, most prostate enlargements are not caused by cancer.

Other sources of prostate enlargement are normal enlargement of the prostate as a natural part of aging. Another cause, more common in younger men, is prostatitis. What is prostatitis? Prostatitis is a catch all term that stands for a diverse number of prostate enlargements not related to aging or prostate cancer.

Acute bacterial prostatitis is the least common form of the disease but it is very easy to diagnose and treat. The symptoms of acute bacterial prostatitis include fever, back pain, and frequent urination. The tratment for acute bacterial prostatitis is as simple as administering a round of antibiotics.

Chronic bacterial prostatitis has the same symptom suite as acute prostatitis, but the causes typically involved defects that provide a natural harbor for bacterial infection. Treatment by antibiotics is not usually effective since it does not cure the underlying defect. Surgery or ultrasonic treatments are usually necessary to first remove the defects, and then antibiotics can clear up the residual bacteria.

Asymptomatic inflammatory prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland that does not cause any pain or discomfort. It is usually only detected during prostate examinations. This form of prostatitis generally causes no problems and does not require treatment of any kind.

Clearly, enlargement of the prostate should always be taken seriously. Any symptoms should be reported to your doctor so that further tests can be run. Fortunately, most enlarged prostates are caused by non cancerous prostatitis.

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2/3 Prostate Cancer Patients Don't Need Treatment

ScienceDaily (Sep. 24, 2009) — Research at the University of Liverpool involving more than 500 prostate cancer patients has revealed two thirds of cases did not require urgent treatment, due to the absence of a protein that indicates progressive disease.

In the largest study of its kind, the international team of pathologists studied an initial 4,000 prostate cancer patients over a period of 15 years to further understanding into the natural progression of the disease and how it should be managed. The research, published in the British Journal of Cancer, could be used to develop a blood test to distinguish between aggressive and non-aggressive forms of prostate cancer.

Globally, prostate cancer is the fifth most common malignancy and accounts for 13% of male deaths in the UK. Studies have shown that men with non-aggressive prostate cancer can live with the disease untreated for many years, but aggressive cancer requires immediate treatment.

Pathologists found that the presence of a protein, called Hsp-27, in cancer cells was an indicator that the disease will progress and require treatment. The study showed, however, that in more than 60% of cases the protein was not expressed and the cancer could be managed by careful monitoring, rather than with active invention methods, such as drug treatment or surgery.

The protein normally has a positive function in the body, helping healthy cells survive when they are placed under 'stressful' conditions, such as disease or injury. If the protein is expressed in cancer, however, it can prevent the diseased cells from dying, allowing the cancer to progress. The team, supported by Cancer Research UK (CRUK) and in collaboration with scientists in London and New York, found that the protein can be used to predict how the disease will behave and could help doctors advise patients on how the disease could affect their daily lives.

Professor Chris Foster, Head of the University's Division of Pathology, explains: "Cancer of any kind is a very distressing disease and has the ability to impact on every aspect of a person's life. Chemotherapy and surgery can also have a significant effect on health and wellbeing and that is why it is important that we first understand the biological nature of the disease and how it will behave in each individual patient, before determining if and when a person needs a particular type of treatment.

"By studying the disease in a large number of men throughout the UK and over a long period of time, we have been able to get a more complete picture of how to manage the disease successfully, whilst limiting the negative impact it can have on a patient's life. The study also demonstrates the role of modern of Pathology, not only in establishing diagnoses but in determining if the subsequent management of individual patients is biologically appropriate for their particular condition.

"The protein – or biomarker – we have identified provides us with a signal that the disease will continue to progress. We know that at the point this marker is expressed, medics need to administer treatment to kill the cancer cells. We have shown that in the majority of cases, however, this marker is not expressed and therefore patients do not necessarily need to go through treatment to lead a normal life."

Monday, September 21, 2009

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Saturday, September 19, 2009

What Causes Prostate Cancer?

While there are many symptoms of prostate cancer, the causes of the prostate cancer are unknown. The biggest culprit seems to be genetics. If a person’s father had prostate cancer, then chances are, they will develop it too. While a person’s age, race, and nationality can be factors, genetics seems to be the biggest common link between those who have had the cancer.

After the age of fifty, visiting a doctor for yearly prostate cancer screenings is recommended. This will give doctors a chance to treat the cancer early if it is detected.

Early symptoms and warning signs include painful urination, pelvic pain, swelling, back pain, and weight loss. There may be other symptoms as well. Visiting a doctor is the only way to receive a definite prognosis as these symptoms could be caused by other illnesses or infections. Being aware of the symptoms and causes of prostate cancer could save a person’s life by getting treatment early. After the age of fifty, it is best to schedule yearly tests to see if the cancer is present. Sometimes knowing early can save a person’s life.

If prostate cancer is left untreated, it will begin to spread. Once it has metastasized, or spread to other areas of the body, the cancer will be harder to treat. Bone metastasis is the hardest form of cancer to treat. Once the cancer enters the bone, it will infect the marrow which can be spread very easily to the rest of the body. This is why being checked for cancer is so important.

There are many prostate cancer treatments available to help fight prostate cancer. The latest treatment is cryosurgery. This procedure involves freezing tumors so that they cannot spread to other parts of the body. Chemotherapy is also available and if the tumor is small enough and has not mestasised, removing the tumor through surgical procedures is also an option.

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Zinc Deficiency Is A Concern

ScienceDaily (Sep. 17, 2009) — Other vitamins and nutrients may get more headlines, but experts say as many as two billion people around the world have diets deficient in zinc – and studies at Oregon State University and elsewhere are raising concerns about the health implications this holds for infectious disease, immune function, DNA damage and cancer.

One new study has found DNA damage in humans caused by only minor zinc deficiency.

Zinc deficiency is quite common in the developing world. Even in the United States, about 12 percent of the population is probably at risk for zinc deficiency, and perhaps so many as 40 percent of the elderly, due to inadequate dietary intake and less absorption of this essential nutrient, experts say. Many or most people have never been tested for zinc status, but existing tests are so poor it might not make much difference if they had been.

"Zinc deficiencies have been somewhat under the radar because we just don't know that much about mechanisms that control its absorption, role, or even how to test for it in people with any accuracy," said Emily Ho, an associate professor with the Linus Pauling Institute at OSU, and international expert on the role of dietary zinc.

However, studies have shown that zinc is essential to protecting against oxidative stress and helping DNA repair – meaning that in the face of zinc deficiency, the body's ability to repair genetic damage may be decreasing even as the amount of damage is going up.

Two studies recently published, in the Journal of Nutrition and the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found significant levels of DNA damage both with laboratory animals and in apparently healthy men who have low zinc intake. Zinc depletion caused strands of their DNA to break, and increasing the intake of zinc reversed the damage back to normal levels.

"In one clinical study with men, we were able to see increases in DNA damage from zinc deficiency even before existing tests, like decreased plasma zinc levels, could spot the zinc deficiency," Ho said. "An inadequate level of zinc intake clearly has consequences for cellular health."

Many zinc studies, Ho said, have focused on prostate cancer – the second leading cause of cancer deaths in American men – because the prostate gland has one of the highest concentrations of zinc in the body, for reasons that are not clearly known.

When prostate glands become cancerous, their level of zinc drops precipitously, and some studies have suggested that increasing zinc in the prostate may at least help prevent prostate cancer and could potentially be a therapeutic strategy. There are concerns about the relationship of zinc intake to esophageal, breast, and head and neck cancers. And the reduced zinc status that occurs with aging may also contribute to a higher incidence of infection and autoimmune diseases, researchers said in one study in the Journal of Nutrition.

Zinc is naturally found associated with proteins in such meats as beef and poultry, and in even higher levels in shellfish such as oysters. It's available in plants but poorly absorbed from them, raising additional concerns for vegetarians. And inadequate intake is so prevalent in the elderly, Ho said, that they should usually consider taking a multivitamin to ensure adequate levels.

Zinc is an essential micronutrient for numerous cellular processes. But taking too much zinc can also be a concern, because in excess it can interfere with the absorption of other important nutrients such as iron and copper. The recommended daily allowance is eight milligrams a day for women, 11 for men, and anything over 50 milligrams a day could be considered excessive, Ho said.

"The consequences of zinc deficiency in adults have been understudied despite the recognition of symptoms of zinc deficiency for decades," researchers wrote in one recent report. "A considerable body of evidence suggests that zinc deficiency may increase the risk of some chronic diseases, including cancer. This link may be attributed to the role of zinc in antioxidant defense and DNA damage repair."

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Prostate Medication

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- If you are suffering from a prostrate condition you are probably aware of the medications that are available. In addition to the standard prostrate medication, there are alternative medications as well. Being that prostrate conditions are so common in older men, there are several medications that are quite common.

In order to determine which prostrate medication is best for you, you will need to see a doctor. They will be able to determine what type of condition you are suffering from, as well as how to best treat it with medication.

Generally speaking, there are two types of prostrate medications that are used in treating people who are suffering from a number of conditions. Generally speaking, medications are most often times used by people who are suffering from an enlarged prostate gland. But other conditions may be treated with medication as well.

The two types of prostrate medications include alpha blockers and 5 alpha reductase inhibitors. Both of them are used to treat certain types of conditions, and have different side effects that may occur.

Alpha blockers are used in order to relax the muscles of the prostate, as well as the bladder. In turn, this makes it much easier for you to urinate comfortably. The problem with alpha blockers is that they have several side effects that go along with them. These side effects include dizziness, headache, fatigue, and respiratory infections.

On the other side of things, and 5 alpha reductase inhibitors are used to shrink the prostate. In turn, this relieves the amount of pressure that is being put on the urethra. When taking and 5 alpha reductase inhibitors men who are suffering from symptoms will realize that they are going away as the prostrate shrinks.

The downside of and 5 alpha reductase inhibitors is that they can take a very long time to have a positive effect; sometimes more than six months. In addition, side effects include a decrease in sex drive, as well as impotence. These are side effects that many men do not want to deal with.

With both of these prostrate medications there are many side effects that should be looked into. Some men are willing to deal with these side effects, whereas others want to avoid them at all costs. This can be discussed with your doctor in order to determine the best medication for you.

Overall, prostrate medication is on the rise all over the world. With more and more baby boomers coming of retirement age, the need for prostrate medication is on the rise. Even though there are some side effects of prostate medication, patients should be glad that they exist. They most definitely have their place in the world of medicine.

PET Scan May Help Detect Prostate Cancer Early

ScienceDaily (Sep. 1, 2009) — A new study published in the September issue of The Journal of Nuclear Medicine shows that positron emission tomography (PET)/computer tomography (CT) scans with the imaging agent choline could detect recurring prostate cancer sooner than conventional imaging technologies in some patients who have had their prostates surgically removed.

In addition, the journal also includes a paper that provides a broader examination of new agents and techniques for imaging prostate cancer, which accounts for 10 percent of all cancer-related deaths in the United States and is the most common type of cancer among men.

Many men diagnosed with prostate cancer choose to have a radical prostatectomy, which involves surgical removal of the entire gland and surrounding tissue. However, prostate cancer recurs within five years in as many as 30 percent of these patients. Physicians monitor patients who have undergone the procedure by checking levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in the blood. If PSA is detected after radical prostatectomy—known as biochemical relapse—then imaging techniques are essential to determine whether and exactly where in the body the cancer has recurred. The study examined PET/CT scans with radioactively labeled choline—a promising molecular imaging tool which has been shown to be more accurate than conventional imaging techniques such as CT, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and bone scintigraphy in detecting recurrent prostate cancer.

"In most patients with biochemical relapse after radical prostatectomy, conventional imaging methods often return false-negative results, meaning that the imaging techniques fail to detect cancer that is present in the body," said Paolo Castellucci, M.D., of the nuclear medicine unit, hematology-oncology and laboratory medicine department, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria di Bologna Policlinico S. Orsola-Malpghi, University of Bologna, Italy, and lead author of the study. "Our study found that for some patients, PET/CT with choline can improve the detection of cancer soon after PSA levels are measured. This enables physicians to tailor treatment to individual patients in the early stages of recurrence, thus increasing their chances of recovery."

The study included a total of 190 patients who had undergone radical prostatectomy and showed biochemical relapse in followup examinations. These patients were grouped according to PSA levels and studied with choline PET/CT scans. In addition, researchers also factored in PSA kinetic factors such as velocity—or the rate at which PSA levels change—and the PSA doubling time for each patient.

The study found that whole body PET/CT imaging with choline is significantly better than conventional imaging technologies in detecting prostate cancer in patients with biochemical relapse after radical prostatectomy. Researchers also found a strong association between PET/CT detection of recurrent cancer, PSA levels, and PSA kinetics. The authors suggest that based on the results, only patients with a high probability of having a positive scan based on PSA levels and kinetics should undergo choline PET/CT scans. By using these criteria, the number of inappropriate choline PET/CT scans can be reduced and early detection of prostate cancer relapse can be improved.

A paper examining the state of imaging technologies in diagnosing, staging, and monitoring treatment of prostate cancer is also featured in this month's journal. The paper, based on a recent workshop held at the National Cancer Institute, reviews the technologies in light of growing concerns about overdiagnosing and overtreating prostate cancer. In some cases, detectable prostate cancer is very slow-growing and remains localized in the prostate. The rate of overdiagnosis of prostate cancer—defined as diagnosis in men who would not have clinical symptoms during their lifetime—has been estimated to be as high as 50 percent. In these cases, decisions to treat the cancer could have significant side effects such as impotence and incontinence, which can affect patients' quality of life.

"Conventional imaging techniques such as CT, MRI, and ultrasound leave substantial room for improvement in determining the extent and severity of prostate cancer," said Martin Pomper, M.D., Ph.D., professor in the department of radiology and radiological science, Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore. "New biomarkers may soon rival PSA for monitoring the presence and extent of disease. Our brief review examines the role of new and emerging molecular imaging agents for initially diagnosing, staging, detecting recurrence after treatment and measuring response to therapy."

Despite a variety of emerging techniques and probes using multiple imaging modalities, the paper notes, a simple, accurate method for image-guided therapy within the prostate is still needed. For metastatic disease, more careful study should be conducted of combinations of markers for prostate cancer, such as androgen receptor and prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA), which are excellent targets for imaging and therapy. In addition, new selective serum and urinary biomarkers such as the urinary marker sarcosine should be merged with molecular imaging tools.

Pomper adds,"The article by Castellucci, et. al., in this issue illustrates nicely how connecting a serum marker—in this case PSA—with imaging can facilitate choosing the correct patients for an imaging study, as well as cut back on false negative results for that study." A practical multimodality imaging approach, coupled with an array of relevant bioarkers sampled from the blood and urine, will provide the best chance for effective management of prostate cancer, the paper concludes.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Cannabis Plant May Help Fight Prostate Cancer

LONDON (Reuters) - Chemicals in cannabis have been found to stop prostate cancer cells from growing in the laboratory, suggesting that cannabis-based medicines could one day help fight the disease, scientists said Wednesday.

After working initially with human cancer cell lines, Ines Diaz-Laviada and colleagues from the University of Alcala in Madrid also tested one compound on mice and discovered it produced a significant reduction in tumor growth.

Their research, published in the British Journal of Cancer, underlines the growing interest in the medical use of active chemicals called cannabinoids, which are found in marijuana.

Experts, however, stressed that the research was still exploratory and many more years of testing would be needed to work out how to apply the findings to the treatment of cancer in humans.

"This is interesting research which opens a new avenue to explore potential drug targets but it is at a very early stage," said Lesley Walker, director of cancer information at Cancer Research UK, which owns the journal.

"It absolutely isn't the case that men might be able to fight prostate cancer by smoking cannabis," she added

The cannabinoids tested by the Spanish team are thought to work against prostate cancer because they block a receptor, or molecular doorway, on the surface of tumour cells. This stops them from dividing.

In effect, the cancer cell receptors can recognize and "talk to" chemicals found in cannabis, said Diaz-Laviada.

"These chemicals can stop the division and growth of prostate cancer cells and could become a target for new research into potential drugs to treat prostate cancer," she said.

Her team's work with two cannabinoids -- called methanandamide and JWH-015 -- is the first demonstration that such cannabis chemicals prevent cancer cells from multiplying.

Some drug companies are already exploring the possibilities of cannabinoids in cancer, including British-based cannabis medicine specialist GW Pharmaceuticals.

It is collaborating with Japan's Otsuka on early-stage research into using cannabis extracts to tackle prostate cancer -- the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men -- as well as breast and brain cancer.

GW has already developed an under-the-tongue spray called Sativex for the relief of some of the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, which it plans to market in Europe with Bayer and Almirall.

Other attempts to exploit the cannibinoid system have met with mixed success. Sanofi-Aventis was forced to withdraw its weight-loss drug Acomplia from the market last year because of links to mental disorders.

I'm not suggesting anyone to use marijuana & don't support it in any way. This is just an article I found that relates to prostate cancer. As a matter of fact, I'm against marijuana usage of all types but medical marijuana has been known to help people with certain health conditions. Thanks!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

More Helpful Info About Healthy Eating For The Prostate

( - Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the US. In 2008, 185,000 men were diagnosed and 28,000 died from the disease. During their lifetime 1 in 6 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, but only 1 in 35 will die from the disease. Why? Prostate cancer is often slow to develop and even slower to progress. Any intervention that interferes with cancer cell growth or the division of cancer cells can have a profound effect on an individual’s prognosis.

Research is yet to determine why a man’s prostate enlarges in a benign manner with age. And, we have yet to define a test to tell the difference between prostate cancers that needs urgent treatment and those that are so slow growing they may never need treatment. Herein lies the dilemma, so prevention may be the key to keeping this cancer in check.

Studies are lacking on a conclusive link between diet and prostate cancer, but there is growing evidence that certain foods can either prevent or slow down the spread of this disease. Men in the US and Sweden are at higher risk, while men in Japan, India and China have a lower risk. When populations adapt a more western diet risk increases.

A new book Eating for Prostate Care (Kyle Books, 2009) shows how foods can be protective? Foods rich in antioxidants prevent cell damage, reducing the overall risk for cancer. Foods that reduce inflammation reduce the risk for cancer. Healthy foods improve the immune system allowing it to destroy cancer cells before they multiply to a dangerous level. Foods can also alter gene expression turning on those that are protective.

The authors list specific foods that are being studied for their potential to lower prostate cancer risk: allium vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, fish, and foods rich in lycopene, phytoestrogens and polyphenols. They take these scientific sounding terms and turn them into actual foods to eat and how much.

Vegetables belonging to the allium family are garlic, onions, scallions, shallots, leeks and chives. The book suggests that you try to eat 3 cloves of garlic and 3 (3 ounce) servings of allium-rich foods a week. This group of foods reduces the growth of cancer cells and increases the death of existing cancer cells. They also reduce inflammation which lowers the risk for cancer, heart disease and stroke.
Cooking will destroy some of this beneficial effect so adding a sliced raw onion to a sandwich or salad is a healthy choice.

Cruciferous vegetables – broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, bok choy, arugula, watercress, kale, radish, turnip, horseradish and wasabi – are rich in sulphur-containing compounds that have anti-cancer properties. Some of these compounds are destroyed in cooking and can be lost in cooking water. The authors suggest at least 3 servings a week.

In places in the world where fish consumption is high, prostate cancer rates are lower. Fish rich in omega-3 fats – mackerel, salmon, trout, herring, sardines, tuna and anchovies -- are the most protective in both reducing the risk and slowing the growth of prostate cancer. Two to 4 servings (3 to 4 ounces each) are recommended weekly.

Beans, nut and seeds are all high in phytoestrogens. Fava beans, peanuts, and soy have the most but all foods in this group are good sources. Testosterone causes prostate cancer cells to grow. Phytoestrogens suppress growth. The authors suggest 3 to 4 servings of beans, nuts or seed a week, in addition to 3 to 4 servings of soy foods. They also suggest substituting some of your regular milk with soy milk.

Plants rich in polyphenols have been shown to slow human cancer growth. Green tea, pomegranate and raspberries are the richest sources but all fruits and vegetables are good sources, especially when eaten regularly. The authors suggest 5 to 6 cups of green tea a day. Those undergoing treatment for prostate cancer need to check with their doctors as this amount of green tea may interfere with certain medications. If that is the case, most can safely drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea a day.

Lycopene gives the rich red color to fruits and vegetables, particularly tomatoes which are also an excellent source of folate (a B vitamin), vitamins A, C, E, and the mineral potassium. Cooking helps to release lycopene from plant tissues so that tomato sauce and all cooked tomato products, even ketchup, are rich sources. A high intake of lycopene (eating any red foods) lowers the risk of developing prostate cancer. Lycopene also reduces inflammation and LDL (bad) cholesterol. Interestingly, lycopene found in foods has stronger anti-cancer properties than lycopene supplements. The authors recommend eating 2 or more servings of lycopene-rich foods weekly. If you are currently undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment for prostate cancer, lycopene-rich foods are beneficial but supplements may interfere with drug action, so check with your doctor.

Bottom line: Eat more garlic, onions, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, bok choy, wasabi, fish, beans, nuts, seeds, tomatoes, watermelon, and raspberries. And, drink more green tea and pomegranate juice. Eating these foods will improve your overall health and may lower your risk for prostate cancer.

What Are The Actual Causes Of Prostate Cancer?

What Causes Prostate Cancer

Diet, Genetics, and Age are the primary causes of Prostate Cancer. It is one of the most prevalent types of cancer in older males. We constantly hear admonitions made in public service health announcements that all men over age fifty should receive periodic screenings.

One question that is seldom answered in the broadcasts is what causes prostate cancer. It turns out that age is the most important factor, while diet, testosterone levels, and genetics also play important roles.

Before discussing the causes of prostate cancer, it is worthwhile to provide a quick overview of the prostate and prostate cancer. The prostate is a walnut sized gland in the male reproductive system that assists in the production of seminal fluid. While the prostate is useful for complete sexual function, the truth is that males can easily live without a prostate, and removal of the prostate is a common treatment when prostate cancer is detected.

Early symptoms and warning signs of prostate cancer can mimic those of prostatitis, a benign inflammation that causes the prostate to become enlarged and swollen.

By far the most important determining factor in whether a given male will develop prostate cancer is age. While the reasons for this are not well known, the chances are better than fifty-fifty that a male of age seventy five will develop the disease. Fortunately, prostate cancer can run for years or decades before it becomes terminal, so many elderly males die of something else without ever being aware that they had prostate cancer.

In addition to age, diet and genetics are important contributing factors to the development of prostate cancer. As with most other types of cancer, research has shown that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may help prevent the onset of prostate cancer, whereas a diet devoid of fruits and vegetables can lead to higher rates of prostate problems. Genetics also plays a large role in what causes prostate cancer. If prostate cancer runs in an individual’s family, then that individual is more likely to develop prostate cancer.

Article courtesy of

PSA(Prostate Specific Antigen) Test Explained Further

Prostate cancer PSA test

- The latest test used in detecting prostate cancer is the PSA test. It stands for prostate specific antigen and is also known as the seminin or P-30 antigen. PSA is actually a protein the body manufacturers in the prostate. It is used during ejaculation. It actually helps liquefy the semen. The whole process using this protein is what helps the sperm swim. In addition, it can also help dissolve the cervical cap on females. So, technically without the PSA protein, reproduction would not be possible in any form.

The PSA test is used frequently when prostate problems are suspected in males. When the levels of the prostrate specific antigen are elevated, it can mean there is the presence of prostate cancer in the body. Since there is not usually a lot of PSA in a normal male body, the elevation shows problems are present.

There are more reasons than just cancer for the PSA test to show elevated levels of the protein however. If there is an infection in the prostate, and irritation, or an enlargement, the PSA can be high. In addition, if the male had recently ejaculated, the test could be inaccurate. So, when you get the test taken and there are signs of elevation, don’t panic. It could really be something much less serious than prostate cancer.

Many doctors will use the PSA each year for the annual checkup for their male patients. However, a false-positive is likely in many men, so many doctors will simply skip the test unless they have a reason to think it is necessary.

If your doctor does recommend the Prostate Cancer PSA test however, you should go ahead and get it done. It is a simple blood test that is much like getting blood taken. The results come back as quick as any other and you will feel good knowing that you are in the clear.

Article courtesy of prostatehealth

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Prostate Cancer Treatment Options

Prostate cancer is an unwelcome diagnosis, but thanks to medical science and technology, there are new treatments available for men of every age and health status. One of the latest is cryosurgery, a minimally invasive techniques that involves freezing the cancerous cells in and around the prostate gland.

However, one concern has been that, in some patients, cryosurgery results in nerve damage which can cause anything from a sensation of a full bladder (even after it has been emptied) to complete impotence. Still, the small amount of blood loss is often worth it to prostate cancer patients and their loved ones.

Another treatment is radiation, which is becoming more and more useful because equipment allows surgeons to better target the cancerous cells. Therefore, the radiation is directed at exactly the right spot, leaving behind little damage to the surrounding tissues. Of course, radiation isn’t for every male with prostate cancer; if the cancer has spread too far, radiation may not be effective or may only be useful in conjunction with other treatment methods.

Some patients opt for a complete removal of the prostate gland to stop the spread of cancer. This can cause hormonal and bladder/bowel problems, but may be an ideal choice for those who are concerned about prostate cancer “moving” to other body parts (especially those which are far away from the body.)

In addition to these three treatments, there are alternative therapy methods for dealing with prostate cancer, though they are often met with skepticism from the medical community. One such “natural” remedy is the macrobiotic diet, a very strict food plan that advocates declare can rid the body of cancer and other poisonous toxins. Though no studies have shown that this is a definitively effective way to cure or control prostate cancer, hundreds of patients flock to macrobiotic foods each year in an attempt to treat their cancers without surgery or hormone therapy.

Whatever treatment you choose, make sure you discuss it at length with your physician. And if you feel your doctor isn’t giving you the courtesy you need, never forget that you can always get a second opinion. If nothing else, it will help you decide the best prostrate cancer treatment. And you may hear about new cancer drug trials happening for which you could be a part.

This material was provided by

Obesity Plays Role In Prostate Cancer Risk

ScienceDaily (Aug. 17, 2009) — A new look at a large database of prostate cancer patients shows that obesity plays no favorites when it comes to increasing the risk of recurrence after surgery: Being way overweight is equally bad for blacks and whites, say researchers at Duke University Medical Center.

Studies have shown that obesity is linked to generally worse outcomes in many cancers, including prostate cancer. Because blacks are more likely than whites to develop and die from prostate cancer – and because there is a higher prevalence of obesity among black men with prostate cancer, compared to whites – some studies have suggested that obesity might be a more ominous risk factor for blacks than whites.

"Not so," says Stephen Freedland, M.D., an associate professor of urology and pathology in the Duke Prostate Center and the senior author of the study appearing in the journal Cancer. "Obesity leads to worse cancer in both groups."

Freedland and Jayakrishnan Jayachandran, M.D. a urologic oncology fellow at Duke and the lead author of the paper, examined the records of 1,415 men enrolled in the Shared Equal Access Regional Cancer Hospital (SEARCH) database who had undergone a radical prostatectomy. Black men comprised almost half (47 percent) of the sample.

After adjusting for various preoperative characteristics, researchers analyzed the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and the aggressiveness of the cancer, as measured by the risk of recurrence. In contrast to other studies, investigators found no association between race and obesity.

Almost a third of the men were obese, regardless of race. "We found that higher BMI was associated with significantly increased risk of cancer recurrence for both blacks and whites," said Jayachandran. "Though prior SEARCH-based studies from our group found that obesity was associated with a higher risk of disease progression as measured by a rising PSA after surgery, it now appears that being obese just means a poorer prognosis, period, regardless of race."

As for why that might be, Jayachandran says he's not sure, but he says it may have something to do with altered hormone levels.

"Obesity is associated with more estrogen and less testosterone, and it may be that lower testosterone promotes more aggressive tumors as recent studies have suggested." In addition, Jayachandran says alteration in the production of other hormones, like insulin, insulin-like growth factor or leptin, which occur in obese men, may also be involved in the development of more aggressive tumors. "This is something we simply do not understand, but we are actively studying all of these factors."

Colleagues who contributed to the study include Lionel Bañez, William Aronson, Martha Terris, Joseph Presti Jr., Christopher Amling, and Christopher J. Kane.

The investigative team was supported by the Department of Veterans Affairs, the National Institutes of Health, The Georgia Cancer Coalition, the Department of Defense Prostate Cancer Research Program, and the American Urological Association Foundation/Astellas Rising Star in Urology Award.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Prostate Ultrasound

by prostate health news

In order to determine the right treatment for a man’s prostate problem, it is essential to undergo prostate ultrasound.

During the stage of diagnosis, the patient will be required to undergo an ultrasound that will allow the physician to estimate how severe the inflammation is. By knowing the size of the prostate gland, a doctor will be able to determine whether or not a biopsy may also be necessary to test the health of the infected gland.

The ultrasound is usually done transrectal, in order to probe the inside of the male’s rectum and get a clearer view of the prostate gland. Once the pictures are taken, the physician can now transfer the images to a treatment planning device.

5 Ways To Prevent Prostate Cancer

The five-term senator is scheduled to have surgery during the Senate's August recess, the Hartford Courant reported Friday. Sources told FOX News that Dodd "will be fine."

The 65-year-old senator joins thousands of other men who will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year. The National Cancer Institute estimates that 192,280 men will be diagnosed in 2009, and 27,360 will die from the disease. Those statistics make prostate cancer one of the leading killers of men in the U.S.

Although it’s one of the most common cancers suffered by men, there are ways to minimize the risk of getting it, said Dr. Ihor Sawczuk, chairman of urology and chief of urologic oncology at Hackensack University Medical Center in New Jersey.

Here are five of them:

1. Get Tested. All men age 40 and older should be tested annually for prostate cancer, Sawczuk said.

There are two types of prostate cancer screening: the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test and the digital rectal exam.

The first test measures the level of PSA in the blood. PSA is a substance made mostly by the prostate. Too much PSA in the blood may indicate prostate cancer. However, high levels of PSA may also be indicative of infection, inflammation or an enlarged prostate.

The second test involves a doctor or nurse placing a lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum to check the prostate for lumps and anything else unusual.

If either test raises a red flag, doctors may follow up with a prostate biopsy. This is the most accurate way of checking for cancer. However the test is invasive and can result in a urinary tract infection, as well as urinary and incontinence problems.

2. Get Plenty of Vitamin D. Spending time in the sun and taking a daily supplement will help men increase their levels of vitamin D and possibly reduce their risks of prostate cancer.

“Vitamin D has been shown to inhibit prostate cancer cells in the laboratory,” Sawczuk said.

Calcium may reduce the amounts of biologically active vitamin D in the body, so milk drinkers should also look for additional sources of vitamin D, which can be found in cod liver oil, tuna and salmon.

3. Quit Smoking. In addition to harming the lungs and the heart, smoking may also be responsible for the spread of prostate cancer.

A 2003 study from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore found that men under the age of 55 who had prostate cancer and were current or former smokers were 66 percent more likely to see the cancer spread into other areas of the body.

4. Reduce body fat. Being overweight and maintaining a diet that is high in saturated fat, as well as processed and red meats, are risk factors for prostate cancer, said Sawczuk.

Fatty diets have been found to increase testosterone production, which in turn increases the risk of prostate cancer. Research has also shown that men who consume red meat at least five times a week had a 2.5 percent increase in developing prostate cancer than men who ate red meat less then once a week.

5. Eat a Variety of Healthy Foods. There has also been promising research that shows pomegranate, soy and foods high in lycopene, such as tomato sauce, reduce the risk of prostate cancer, Sawczuk said, adding that maintaining a healthy diet is one of the best ways men can reduce their risk of cancer.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Prostate Cancer Survival

Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer found in men. Over 200, 000 cases are diagnosed each year in the USA. The other stark fact is that the risk factor increases as one gets older.

In the early stages of the disease the patient can actually feel okay and not be displaying some the symptoms of the advanced stage of the disease. Some of these advanced symptoms are,going to the toilet often, but still having a weak or small urine flow. Also there is a burning sensation when he urinates.

The two most common tests for diagnosing prostate cancer are blood tests and a rectal exam by the doctor. The reason for the blood test is to test the amount of antigen in the blood and the rectal exam is to check for any unusual bumps in the prostate. These bumps if found will always be tested to check if they are cancerous. Again the secret to survival is to have these tests regularly because those caught early have the greatest chance of survival.

It has also been found that those patients with diets which have red beef or high fat content appear to increase the risk of contracting the cancer. Therefore please try and include in your diet plenty of fruit and low fat products.

Prostate Cancer Treatments for the disease usually includes radiation and also surgery make end up an important option. All these treatments including the relevant medication will always be discussed with your doctor. Again the important thing to remember and worth mentioning again is to have regular tests to identify early diagnosis and prostate cancer survival.

Low Oxygen Levels May Contribute To Prostate Cancer

ScienceDaily (Aug. 2, 2009) — UCD Conway researchers have characterised epigenetic signature changes in prostate cells under conditions of low oxygen levels that may lead to tumour development. The results of the study published this month in the scientific journal, Human Molecular Genetics may provide important targets for the early detection and manipulation of prostate cancer.

Chronic hypoxia, or low tissue oxygen levels, is a natural feature of the aging prostate either due to declining blood flow to the area or local consumption of oxygen during re-modelling of the organ. It may also be a risk factor in the development of prostate cancer but, to date, the processes involved are not defined.

This study led by Conway Fellow, Dr Amanda McCann, and involving collaborators in UCD Conway Institute as well as teams in St Vincent’s University Hospital, the National Centre for Medical Genetics Crumlin and Cancer Research UK Cambridge Research Institute, examined the consequences of chronic hypoxia on prostate cells.

Epigenetic gene regulation refers to changes in gene expression caused by mechanisms other than changes in the underlying DNA sequence. The group found significant epigenetic and cellular alterations in prostate cells as a result of hypoxia. Cells became more resistant to the natural process of cell death, increasingly able to migrate or invade and also caused the secretion of chemical messengers that are believed to be involved in the growth and survival of prostate tumour cells.

Epigenetic alterations were also identified across the extent of the genome and involved increased histone acetylation and DNA methylation. These epigenetic processes may promote and maintain the expression of regulatory genes and activation of adaptive pathways that possibly promote tumour development.

Commenting on the significance of the findings, Dr Jenny Watson PhD, a Health Research Board North/South funded postdoctoral scientist and lead author on the publication, said, “Understanding how chronic hypoxia influences global and gene-specific epigenetic programming will provide important insights into the mechanisms of hypoxia-induced cellular changes. The identification of these factors contributing to the initial development of prostate cancer represents important targets for early detection and manipulation in early stage disease”.

Added New Product Links To Site

Hello again fellow viewers. I just wanted to update that I have added many of the very product links that I have personally used or still use for prostate health. While I've used all of these I have specifically mentioned the ones I highly recommend.

These are the very products I support & know to have helped me in gaining my health back. I know there's a lot of product links listed from this site but I wouldn't list them if I wasn't helped by them. It's a combination of things that will get your health back but taking these products were big factors in getting back to good health for me.

I still take some of these very products today but some are just needed for instant or immediate pain relief when symptoms are at their worst. Thanks again for reading & thanks for viewing my articles. Feel free to post comments or questions.

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Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Some Good Prostate Cancer News

ScienceDaily (July 29, 2009) — Investigators at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), along with collaborating teams at the Cleveland Clinic and the University of Michigan, have completed the first large- scale, multi-institutional study of prostate cancer death after standard treatment to remove the prostate since PSA screening has become widely used as a method to screen for the disease.

In the study, published online in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, researchers found that in a group of 12,677 men who had radical prostatectomies between 1987 and 2005, the fifteen-year mortality rate that could be directly linked to prostate cancer was only 12 percent, even though many of the patients' cancers had aggressive features. Comparatively, the rate of non- cancer-related death in this group was 38 percent. A small fraction, 4 percent, of patients treated surgically within the past ten years had a 5 percent or greater risk of dying of prostate cancer within 15 years. It is not clear at this time whether the outcomes may be related to the effectiveness of surgery and any secondary therapy, or to the low lethality of certain types of prostate cancers to begin with.

"The importance of this paper is that it shows a remarkably low risk of dying of prostate cancer within 15 years for treated men, and supports the concept that men with slow-growing cancers may not need immediate treatment," said senior author Peter Scardino, Chair of the Department of Surgery at MSKCC. "Further good news is that surgery was very effective in preventing death in men with aggressive cancers--defined as those with a high PSA, poorly differentiated with a Gleason grade of 8-10, or locally extensive," Dr. Scardino added.

Not all prostate cancers progress the same way. Many cancers pose little or no threat to life and health, while others grow aggressively and are resistant to treatment. The key is to determine which cancers are "favorable" or ones likely to remain relatively dormant. According to Dr. Scardino, "Currently, there are a number of tools physicians have to help determine the probable course of prostate cancer, but more accurate ones are needed."

Dr. Scardino and colleagues have formulated and pioneered the use of validated statistical models, or nomograms, that help predict the natural progression of prostate cancer and how it will respond to treatment. These nomograms help tailor treatment for men according to the specific characteristics of their cancer. The prostate cancer nomograms are currently the most widely used, disease-specific prediction tool in oncology.

In addition to the nomogram, physicians may use PSA testing, Gleason grade, MRI scans, and multiple biopsies to determine which cancers are likely to be favorable and which are not. While there are tools and models available now to help predict survival, Dr. Scardino and his fellow authors encourage future research to pinpoint better markers specifically associated with the biology of lethal prostate cancer.

"In the future, what we'd like is to be able to do a molecular or genetic analysis of prostate tumor cells to see if they have the capacity to spread, so that we can ask, does your tumor have that capacity? If not, it would be safe to watch," said Dr. Scardino.

As part of the study, 12,677 patients treated with radical prostatectomy between 1987 and 2005 were tracked. Of these patients, 6,398 underwent radical prostatectomy for localized prostate cancer at either MSKCC or Baylor College of Medicine, with 809 (13%) receiving neoadjuvant androgen-deprivation therapy for an average of 3.2 months. External validation of the nomogram was performed on 4,103 patients treated at Cleveland Clinic and 2,176 patients treated at University of Michigan during the same period.

Prostate biopsy specimens were reviewed by pathologists at each institution before surgery. In general, patients were followed for disease recurrence post operatively with regular PSA tests and clinical exams at three to six month intervals for the first five years, and then annually. The year of surgery was also a consideration, as methods and effectiveness have changed over the years.

While prostate cancer death rates have been dropping over the past decade, according to the American Cancer Society, it is estimated that there were 186,320 new cases of prostate cancer in the United States in 2008 and 28,660 deaths from the disease.

Researchers from the Cleveland Clinic, University of Michigan, and Baylor College of Medicine contributed to this study. The work was supported by SPORE grants awarded to MSKCC and the University of Michigan by the National Cancer Institute and by the David Koch Foundation and the Prostate Cancer Foundation.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Detox Treatment

Modern day life has resulted in an exponential increase in our exposure to chemicals, drugs and pollutants. Indiscriminate use of antibiotics, over dependence on alcohol and a fast lifestyle have all contributed to making out bodies unhealthy. The modern generation seems to have forgotten that to get to the top of the rat race we need a healthy mind coupled with a healthy body.

Our body’s detoxification system comprises of the digestive and urinary systems, skin, lungs and liver. It is a perfect system in which the organs supplement and complement each other. There is, however, a limit to how much it can be stretched.

What happens is this. The frontline defense of the intestines is broken due to the large quantities of toxins that enter our body. This intake can happen through food, exposure to the environment, drinking water and other points of contact. The breakdown of the function of the intestines leads to a condition where the liver needs to work more than its capacity.

Over time, if the level of toxins is not reduced, the toxins start to leak out of the intestinal walls into the blood stream. And a situation like this causes diseases like bowel toxaemia (blood poisoning caused by bacterial toxic substances in the blood) and candidiasis (an infection caused by fungi). These diseases are characterized by symptoms like diabetes, chronic constipation, vaginal thrush, loss of libido and increase in blood cholesterol.

Though you may find many quick remedies being advertised, the process of detox treatment needs a holistic approach. A detox product can of help only if it is taken as a supplementary treatment and as part of an overall detox program.

Some natural detox treatments include fasting. Fasting is a natural process for cleaning the colon of toxic substances and this has been used in different societies across the world. For people who cannot fast, a fruit juice diet can also help in cleansing the colon.

Herbal detox remedies include herbal tablets for liver cleansing. Organic diets in conjunctions with herbal treatments help in getting rid of the yeast that cause candidiasis.

A detox treatment is much more than just popping in a detox product. It is almost a lifestyle that you need to lead to rid your body of all the impurities that have been accumulating over the years. It is also pertinent that you continue the process of a detox diet even after you have cleansed your system once. This is essential since the yeast and toxins can reappear due to contact with the environment.

In context of natural detox remedies, implies a regulated diet that is organic in nature. Some of the precautions that are recommended for an effective detox treatment would include the following:

* Preservatives - Avoid foods that contain preservatives. A close look at the label can tell you if the food contains preservative or not.
* Sugar – Avoid sugar consumption. If you cannot avoid it totally, limit the consumption.
* Fresh is the best - Certain food items require to be kept at low temperatures. Such products are best bought directly from the store rather than home delivered.
* Pure water - Stick to filtered or bottled water.
* Keep your household free of chemical pollutants.
* Learn about organic foods and try to use them as much as possible.
* Exercise - It is one of the best detox remedies as it helps to burn toxins in the body.
* Dentistry - Choose a holistic dentist who will ensure that no mercury amalgam is used.

Article courtesy of Native Remedies:

Herbs For Immune System To Improve Health

The human body is a complex system of actions and reactions where each organ, gland and body system has a dedicated role. The immune system acts as a sort of a watch dog and comes into action the moment there is something wrong with the body, a bacterial invasion, for example.

Simply said, your immune system is your body’s own physician that protects against a wide range of disease causing antigens. It is obvious that immune system health is a primary factor that affects your overall health.

The quick fix solution provided by the antibiotic alternative for treating even self healing conditions and its indiscriminate use has resulted in the development of drug resistant bacteria. In addition, new strains of bacteria are developing as they undergo various mutations around us.

Herbs provide a natural defense against bacteria, even those that have developed resistance to antibiotic drugs. Moreover, an increased use of herbal antibiotics can go a long way in restricting indiscriminate use of antibiotic drugs, thus ensuring that the drugs will still be effective when we really need them. For example, aloe, garlic and grapefruit seed extract are very effective in defending the body from Staphylococcus aureus, E. coli and salmonella. Other herbs that have proven antibiotic effects include goldenseal myrrh, usnea and arctostaphylos uva-ursi.

Similarly, there are other properties that lie hidden in many herbs that need to be explored. Astragalus membranaceus is a plant that survives even the harshest winter. Known as huang qi, it has been an integral part of traditional Chinese herbs for immune system. It works on the immune system as a tonic while improving lung, adrenal gland and gastrointestinal functions. In addition it improves metaboilsm, increases sweating, helps in healing and counters fatigue.

Allopathic drugs including antibiotics are based on a solitary compound and thus target a specific disease or infection. Herbs, on the other hand, have a composite structure and contain complex compounds. Common sage (Salvia officinalis), for example has been recommended for virtually every ailment and there exists evidence of its effectiveness in many disorders including the Alzheimer’s disease.

The immune system of the body is the first line of defense against foreign substances and organisms. Its dedicated function is comprises recognizing and ultimatley destroying harmful foreign substances. The immune system is also easily impaired.

The easily identifiable factors that weaken the immune system are depression and physical and emotional stress. An improper diet, alcoholism, recreational drugs, common drugs, especially antibiotics and steroids and a physically unfit body can also cause long term harm.

The occurrence of a disease is not by itself an indication of a weakened immune system. However, recurrent conditions like infections, frequent depressive episodes and cold and sore throat are indications of a weak immune system.

Herbs for immune system have been part and parcel of traditional therapies and modern homoepathy. At the same time, herbs have an intrinsic nature of being effective only in recommended doses. Some of the herbs are extremely toxic in their undiluted form and special attention must be paid to it.

Article courtesy of Native Remedies

Friday, July 17, 2009

Natural Prostate Cancer Treatments

July 10, 2009 | By admin In Prostate Cancer, Prostate Health

- If you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, you might be wondering about non-medical treatments to attack this disease. Though many controversial natural cures exist, we’ll look at some of the more common below.

Acupuncture – This ancient Chinese practice has taken off in the western world, and many people believe that it can help cure prostate cancer as well as take away any of the symptoms (such as trouble urinating, pain/burning sensation in the prostate gland, or erectile dysfunction.) During acupuncture, “pressure points” are targeted by an acupuncture specialist using needles that are inserted into the top layer of the patient’s skin. The process is relatively painless (though some have reported discomfort) and is increasing in popularity as many eschew the medical practices of surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy to attack prostate cancer.

Diet Regimens – There are many holistic healers that tout various foods as having cancer attacking properties. Some of these include tomatoes, fish, berries, tea, and even water! Not surprisingly, there are multitudes of books devoted to the subject of how to cure cancer (including prostate cancer) via the diet. If you have been diagnosed with cancer and are looking for an alternative remedy, be cautious before picking just any diet regimen. Try to find one with some supporting evidence, or ask other prostate cancer patients and survivors if they’ve tried the methods. That way, you won’t be gambling with your health.

Vitamins – Again, there are tons of proponents who say that taking certain vitamins can actually cure cancer. These vitamins can be found in both pill and food forms and, like diet regimens, the exact “recipe” changes depending upon whom you ask. If you want to try a vitamin treatment for your prostate cancer, it will behoove you to do a great deal of research on the topic before determining which is right for you.

Finally, always remember that your medical physician may actually be able to help you with some information on natural methods to heal your prostate cancer. It’s a fallacy that all doctors are “against” homeopathic remedies; in actuality, many have recommended them for their patients.

I hope that you found this information on natural treatments for prostate cancer cures.

Prostate Information To Back My Diet & Exercise Article

July 16, 2009 | By admin In Prostate Gland, Prostate Health

- Concern over the side effects and physical trauma (not to mention the efficacy) of traditional surgical methods to heal the body has created a whole industry devoted to holistic health alternatives that don’t involve prescription medications or invasive procedures. This means that for men concerned about their prostrate health, there are plenty of natural options available to keep this walnut-sized gland functioning properly.

Diet – One of the best approaches to a healthy prostate is to maintain a good diet plan. It can be as strict as you prefer – some eschew meat and feel it is unnecessary and fouls up the bowels, thus creating stress for the prostate gland. Others simply recommend a diet high in fiber, low in fat, and generally well-rounded. Whatever you’re most comfortable with is the diet you should follow.

Exercise – There’s nothing better than a brisk walk (or jog, if you’re able) to increase the blood flow and stimulate the health of your prostate. Most holistic healers recommend a lifestyle that includes plenty of exercise; unless you’re a “gym rat” now, you’re probably not getting enough of the good stuff. Ramp up your exercise routine by getting outside and doing yard work, lifting weights, skiing, hiking, or enjoying a host of other heart-pumping activities. Even traditional physicians herald this approach to keeping all your bodily organs, including the prostate, in tip-top shape.

Supplements – Naturopathic doctors often recommend taking supplements as a way to boost your prostate health. However, there’s no one “recipe” as far as vitamins and minerals go; therefore, you’ll need to find the one that works best for you. By visiting your local healthy foods grocer, you can find some supplement packages and test them out. (And most health food stores also have a library section so you can read up on the supplements before buying them.)

Remember that there are many different ways to help your prostrate health. And in the process, you’ll probably ramp up your physical and emotional bliss, too.

Green Tea May Slow Prostate Cancer

ScienceDaily (June 22, 2009) —
According to results of a study published in Cancer Prevention Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, men with prostate cancer who consumed the active compounds in green tea demonstrated a significant reduction in serum markers predictive of prostate cancer progression.

"The investigational agent used in the trial, Polyphenon E (provided by Polyphenon Pharma) may have the potential to lower the incidence and slow the progression of prostate cancer," said James A. Cardelli, Ph.D., professor and director of basic and translational research in the Feist-Weiller Cancer Center, LSU Health Sciences Center-Shreveport.

Green tea is the second most popular drink in the world, and some epidemiological studies have shown health benefits with green tea, including a reduced incidence of prostate cancer, according to Cardelli. However, some human trials have found contradictory results. The few trials conducted to date have evaluated the clinical efficacy of green tea consumption and few studies have evaluated the change in biomarkers, which might predict disease progression.

Cardelli and colleagues conducted this open-label, single-arm, phase II clinical trial to determine the effects of short-term supplementation with green tea's active compounds on serum biomarkers in patients with prostate cancer. The biomarkers include hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and prostate specific antigen (PSA). HGF and VEGF are good prognostic indicators of metastatic disease.

The study included 26 men, aged 41 to 72 years, diagnosed with prostate cancer and scheduled for radical prostatectomy. Patients consumed four capsules containing Polyphenon E until the day before surgery — four capsules are equivalent to about 12 cups of normally brewed concentrated green tea, according to Cardelli. The time of study for 25 of the 26 patients ranged from 12 days to 73 days, with a median time of 34.5 days.

Findings showed a significant reduction in serum levels of HGF, VEGF and PSA after treatment, with some patients demonstrating reductions in levels of greater than 30 percent, according to the researchers.

Cardelli and colleagues found that other biomarkers were also positively affected. There were only a few reported side effects associated with this study, and liver function remained normal.

Results of a recent year-long clinical trial conduced by researchers in Italy demonstrated that consumption of green tea polyphenols reduced the risk of developing prostate cancer in men with high-grade prostate intraepithelial neoplasia (HGPIN).

"These studies are just the beginning and a lot of work remains to be done, however, we think that the use of tea polyphenols alone or in combination with other compounds currently used for cancer therapy should be explored as an approach to prevent cancer progression and recurrence," Cardelli said.

William G. Nelson, V., M.D., Ph.D., professor of oncology, urology and pharmacology at the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center, believes the reduced serum biomarkers of prostate cancer may be attributable to some sort of benefit relating to green tea components.

"Unfortunately, this trial was not a randomized trial, which would have been needed to be more sure that the observed changes were truly attributable to the green tea components and not to some other lifestyle change (better diet, taking vitamins, etc.) men undertook in preparation for surgery," added Nelson, who is also a senior editor for Cancer Prevention Research. However, "this trial is provocative enough to consider a more substantial randomized trial."

In collaboration with Columbia University in New York City, the researchers are currently conducting a comparable trial among patients with breast cancer. They also plan to conduct further studies to identify the factors that could explain why some patients responded more dramatically to Polyphenon E than others. Cardelli suggested that additional controlled clinical trials should be done to see if combinations of different plant polyphenols were more effective than Polyphenon E alone.

"There is reasonably good evidence that many cancers are preventable, and our studies using plant-derived substances support the idea that plant compounds found in a healthy diet can play a role in preventing cancer development and progression," said Cardelli.
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